603-630-9695 [email protected]

Who Are We?

We are missionaries to the prisons and schools of New England serving with Rock Of Ages Ministries out of the Granite State Baptist Church in Concord, New Hampshire.

Our Salvation Testimonies

Matthew's Testimony

I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t in church, as my parents were faithful in their attendance. As a young teenager, I had made a profession of faith and began “living the Christian life.” I sang in the choir, sat on the front row, said “Amen” while the preacher preached.  I even went on visitation. For several years, I believed I was saved, but on June 25, 2002, at the Faith Baptist Camp in Resaca, GA, the Lord placed me under Holy Ghost conviction. Bro Sammy Allen was preaching on “Eight Things in Hell We Need In Our Baptist Churches,” and when it came invitation time, God showed me I was lost and in need of a Saviour. I remember trying to argue with the Lord, telling Him about all I was doing. He showed me that night that I was religious but lost. I went to the altar and was saved by the grace of God. That night, II Corinthians 5:17 became a reality in my life. I was and am from that point forward “in Christ,” and I am a new creature.

Hannah's Testimony

I was born into a Christian Home and raised on the mission field. I made a profession of faith at an early age and several more as I got older – always struggling with my salvation. When I was 17, I heard a preacher preach a message called  “Joy in serving Jesus.” I realized that I didn’t have joy while serving Jesus. I just did things like singing in the choir, passing out tracts, cleaning the church, etc., because that is what I was taught to do. I realized I was lost and needed to be saved to have joy and not die and go to hell. On December 31, 2007, I asked the Lord to save me. I am so thankful that he showed me I was lost and how to have true joy, not just a profession, but salvation, saved from my sins and bound for heaven. It is a wonderful life serving my Saviour!

Our Call To Service

Service As A Layman

While serving under my pastor, Dr. Ricky Gravley, at the Bible Baptist Church in Rossville, GA, I was privileged to preach in numerous jails, nursing homes, and on the street. Also, the Lord allowed me to preach at several revival and special meetings while serving at my home church. I was the Adult Sunday School class fill-in teacher, teaching at least ten to twelve times a year. Hannah and I served in the Bus Ministry, where we conducted services every Sunday, and I preached to the kids during those services. Hannah and I also taught the Junior Sunday School class (ages 10-12) for approximately a year as well. The Lord allowed me to pastor for over two years at a church plant before calling us into missions.

Call To Preach

I had just been saved a little over 3-4 weeks earlier, and I began to feel as if the Lord was dealing with me about preaching the Word of God. I struggled with it for a few weeks wanting to make sure I was making the right decision. On August 12, 2002, I surrendered to the call to preach. I was licensed to preach the Word of God in May of 2007 by my former pastor Bro. Eric Brown. Shortly after beginning to pastor, I was ordained into the ministry in January 2015.

Call To Missions

After I finished my tenure pastoring the church plant, we began praying about where God would have us serve Him. Bro. Gravley asked me to pray about working with Rock of Ages ministries. I met with my pastor and Dr. Ellis at ROA Headquarters. After our meeting, Dr. Gravley filled out his part of the application, but I still wasn’t sure. One summer Sunday morning, during Sunday School, Dr. Gravley had a group come and sing a song before the teacher came. They sang the song “Empty Me of Me So I Can Be Used By You.” God settled it in my heart that morning that we were to go with Rock of Ages and become a missionary to the prisoner. He gave me Hebrews 10:34 as confirmation, where the Bible says, “For ye had compassion of me in my bonds, and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance.”

We have been serving the Lord as full-time missionaries since 2017.

Our Purpose


Our purpose with the Rock of Ages is to train men and women in the Word of God, the Way of God, and the Work of God so they can do the Will of God.